आईसीटी इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर

आईसीटी इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर
क्रमांक विवरण संख्या राय
1 Total No of Computers 85
2 No. of Computer Labs 2
3 No. of Computers in Computer labs 29
4 No. of Language Labs 1
5 No. of Computers in Language Lab 30
6 No. of Computers for Students 48
7 Total Number of Students in the KV (III onwards) 534
8 Student:Computer Ratio 12:1
9 No. of Computers in the Staff common room, Exam department, Library & for Staff usage 3

Primary Staffroom-1
Music Room-1

10 No. of Computers for Principal & Office Staffs 3

Principal's room-1

11 No. of Computers in Science labs 4

Physics Lab-1
Maths Lab-1
Biology Lab-1
Junior Science Lab-1

12 No. of Computers in AV Rooms 2

Primary AV Room-1
Secondary AV Room-1

13 Speed of Broadband Connection in the School 300 Mbps

3 Connections